Partition Je te promets french song by Johnny Halliday

Learn to play the piano song I promise you sung by Johnny Halliday

Je te promets is a song sung by Johnny Hallidayand written byJean-Jacques Goldman.

It is part of the album “Gang” released in 1986.

This song released as a single in 1987 will be Johnny’s best-selling record of the 80s.

Custom made formulas with tutorials to learn to play je te promets sung by Johnny and composed by Jean-Jacques Goldman.

Piece classified at the intermediate level, level 4.


Course content

Standard Formula
The animated score for both hands with fingerings in html on your browser. Viewable on PC/Mac, cell phone or tablet.
Premium formula
Standard formula content and video with animated keyboard, fingering, adjustable speed and mp3 playback accompaniment for orchestral-style playing