Partition Valse 2 by Chostakovitch

Learn to play Chostakovich’s Waltz No. 2 on the piano

Valse 2 by Chostakovitch
This piece was composed by the Russian pianist Chostakovich in the 20th century.

It is taken from Variety Orchestra Suite Number One. This work is known to the general public through advertising for an french insurance company.

This waltz 2 was also chosen by the director Stanley Kubrick in his last feature film, “Eyes wide shut”. Fairly accessible piece.

Cusom made formulas with tutorials to learn to play valse number 2 by Chostakovitch

Piece classified as Elementary level, level 3 in our catalog


Course content

Standard Formula
The animated score for both hands with fingerings in html on your browser. Viewable on PC/Mac, cell phone or tablet.
Premium formula
Standard formula content and video with animated keyboard, fingering, adjustable speed and mp3 playback accompaniment for orchestral-style playing